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Monday, June 24, 2013

“The Blessed Life”

 Psalm 119:1-3  Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord!  Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart!  They also do no iniquity; they walk in His ways.

 The word “blessed” means happy.  The pursuit of happiness is common to all peoples.  In his argument as to why there had to be a separation between England and the colonies, Jefferson said that God gives each person the natural right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Originally, Jefferson was going to use the French concept: life, liberty, and property, but it sounded so materialistic/atheistic.  But not, he did not say that all have the right to happiness, but to pursue happiness.

            Psalm 119:1 gives us the way to pursue happiness, and it is through living the life that is not defiled by the world.  Every person desires to be happy, but their means to attaining that end are temporal and sinful outside of God and His Word.  In the Sunday morning message we found that the enemy establishes strongholds in those areas of our life where we have desires that are not in keeping with God's Will or God's Word.

            The believer who pursues happiness will find it as he walks in the law of the Lord.  If one is walking according to the law of the Lord, then the path of truth will lead to inner peace.  When at peace with God, you find yourself happy, and thus you have attained “The Blessed Life.”

            Many times we do not have a right heart attitude.  A right heart contemplates the true end of happiness.  A right heart seeks happiness in the right way—doing those things pleasing to the Lord.

            The theme of Psalm 119 is the Word of God.  Right here in these first three verses we see established the fact that man’s happiness is to be found in the Word of God.  It tells us that man was originally happy; that angels and the spirits of just men are made perfect, and that God only can make men happy, and that He does so by the gift of himself and the “unsearchable riches of Christ.” 

            This is God’s testimony—His goodness and power; Christ’s atonement and intercession on our behalf; and the Holy Spirit’s regenerating, consoling, and sanctifying influence.  Rejoice in the Word this week—read it, pray it, meditate upon it, memorize it, and God will bless you.

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