Psalm 119:6: Then I would not be ashamed, when I look into all Your commandments.
How many politicians have had to resign in disgrace because they felt they did not have to live by the rules, or be faithful to the laws under which they operated.
The Psalmist looks forward to the result of answered prayer, and feels that under divine guidance he will not be ashamed when he has respect for God’s commandments.
Duty contemplates a regard for God’s law that would definitely impact moral susceptibility. The wicked are callous, their hearts being hardened, and their wills set.
The reward for obeying the commandments of God is simply that the person shall not be ashamed. We have the New Testament warning that there will be those who will be ashamed at the coming of Christ. In First John, we read: And now, little children, abide in Him, that when He shall appear we may have confidence and not be ashamed at His coming.
God’s commandments also involve the shame element. Yet, we are unable to keep those commandments without divine help. Let us pray for that help. When that help is there, let us utilize it diligently, comprehensively, and perpetually.