Matthew 28:5: But the angel answered and said to the women, Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.
The women must have feared greatly during the days from the crucifixion to the resurrection. They had camped out there at the tomb all Friday evening, and now had returned to anoint the body with spices.
Quieting the fears of the women, the angel gave them to understand that he knew their quest exactly. The angel knew that Jesus had been crucified. When you realize that all your hopes and dreams have ended in a moment of time, you fear. The Bible is replete with that command:"Fear Not." In relation to Christ, "Fear Not" was the command to Zecharias, to Mary, to Joseph, to the shepherds. It was the sentiment of Jesus as He went about His ministry dispelling the fears that people had in all aspects of life--emotional, health.
Without the Good News of Christ's resurrection, all we have is fear. Without Matthew 28, we have the story of a Gandhi--a martyr who sought to free his people from oppression. We have an example, a hero, but not a Savior. As we conclude these verses in Matthew 28 over these last two weeks of March, may we come to a fresh realization of the life changing message of the resurrection.
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