Matthew 28:7b: And indeed He
is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. Behold, I have
told you.
We have mentioned that the word
"angel" is literally a messenger. The unnamed angel in Matthew
28 has a specific messge that is concluded by the words: "Behold, I have
told you." The angel had completed the mission--and it was the Good
Message (euangellion in Greek, and from which we get the word
evangelical). We hear the terms evangelical and orthodox--and find that
both seem to be in opposition to each other.
Churches that have orthodox in their
name are often not very evangelical--do not make the Gospel plain, are very
cold, or do not aggressively seek the lost--the Orthodox Presbyterian
Church and the Greek Orthodox Church would be examples.
I have visited both and had all those criticisms confirmed.
Other churches emphasize the Gospel but do not give the doctrines that promote
orthodoxy--some of the preachers on the Trinity Broadcasting Network
would fit in that category. A church that disregards either side is
missing out. Our boat (church) needs an anchor (the
doctrines proclaimed in the Bible) to keep us from veering off the
truth, and we need a strong net that will draw in those who need to hear
the Gospel. The greatest doctrine is the Resurrection, and we need to
shout that Good News wherever we go.
The angel's message in the latter part
of verse 7 emphasizes that they would find Chist in Galilee. This is said
on Resurrection Sunday. Does that mean that Jesus would not make
appearances in Jerusalem? The other Gospels indicate that he did stay in
that region for at least a week (Luke 24:15, 34, 236; John 20:19, 26).
The point is that the major
post-resurrection appearances would be in Galilee. I Corinthians 15:6
states that Christ was seen by more than five hundred brethren at one
time. That was the greatest confirmation of the Gospel. Perhaps a
few could see a phantom Christ, or someone who looked like Christ, but the
chance of deceiving 500 people at one time would be difficult if not
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