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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Courage is fear that has said its prayers

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.


Lt. General George S. Patton

Third Army, World War II


Memorial Day is a remembrance of those who have died on the battlefield to preserve our freedom.  We are ever to be thankful for their sacrifice to allow us to be free.  In an infinitely greater sense, Memorial Day must also cause us to remember the One who died on the greatest battlefield to set us free from sin and eternal death, and has brought to us eternal life.


This is a busy week with meetings each weekday starting tomorrow:

Tuesday—7 PM Ladies Missionary Society--one of those having part Tuesday--Theresa Pennie-- had a serious fall Sunday night, and your prayers are requested for her


Wednesday—7 PM  Bible Institute and Prayer Meeting


Thursday—12:45 PM Departure for Cohen University & Theological Seminary to allow adu7lts to participate in our international seminar.  I will teach a seminar at 2 PM on Covenant Theology; and Dr. Cohen will speak on “Israel and the Temple: Chronological and Prophetic” at 4 PM.  Dinner will follow and we return about 7:45 PM to Glendale.


Friday—3 PM Graduation at Cohen University; 7:30 PM—Visitation (volunteers wanted) for Vacation Bible School


Sunday, June 2—10 AM      Sunday School and Breakfast

                           11 AM      Morning Worship with Dr. Cohen speaking on a Fresh Look at the Olivet Discourse

                             5:30 PM  Dinner honoring our new deacons

                             6:30 PM  Dr. Cohen speaking on Revelation chapters 4-8


“Assurance of Peace”


Psalm 46:4-7—There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle of the Most High. God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.  The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted.  The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah


Now . . . The Assurance of Peace and Safety for the People of God


A.   The Source of our Security is Divine Grace that Smoothly Flows Like a River

(v. 4)—this is the river of the water of life, of which the church above as well as the church below partakes evermore.  It is no boisterous ocean, but a placid stream, it is not stayed in its course by earthquakes or crumbling mountains, it follows its serene course without disturbance.

B.   The Lord is with us in our distresses—He lives in our midst (v. 5).  If you are attacked and you belong to God, then God is attacked, and He will respond.  Our part is to be ever respectful of the fact that God is with us, as Moses was when he took off his sandals in the desert as he approached the Mountain of God.

C.   The Battle between the City of God and the Heathen Nations (vv. 6-7)

1.     The nations gather against the City of God like wolves ravenous for their prey, but the Lord of hosts (armies) defeats them.

2.     The fact that the Lord is with us is the reason for Zion’s security, and for the overthrow of all the foes.  The Lord rules the angels, the stars, the elements, and all the hosts of heaven; and the heaven of heavens are under his sway. 

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