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Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Nothing Off Limits in Christ's Suffering"

Matthew 27:44: Even the robbers who were crucified with him reviled Him with the same thing.

This short verse is like the final nail in the coffin of Christ's mental anguish. The sourging by the soldiers was well documented. Bad enough then to have the crowd against Him, doubting and making fun of all that He had taught. Of course, there were the chief priests who had conspired against Him, and actually brought Him to this moment. Their ridicule would be expected.

But then there are the two robbers. They would suffer the same death as Jesus, yet they join in the taunt of the Savior. Matthew's purpose is to show the exteme suffering and rejection of the Jewish Messiah. Mark's account is the same, but Luke records that one of the thieves did repent and ask that he be remembered when Christ entered His Kingdom.

Luke reminds us that even in the worst circumstance the Gospel can reach down and save a soul. One thief was justified by the blood of Christ that day. A perfect reminder that we are all under the condemnation of death until we come to the Savior that bore our sins in His own body on the Cross.

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